Saturday, 22 August 2009

Old Designer Lace Combos

I found these 2 patterns -first Taj by K-Kinder's Lace Book.
Second in an old MKM publication by D-Coutts.

I had to change both graphs to suit my way of knitting them.

They both look very pretty; but not to my liking the very long floats!


Barbara said...

I love the two colour lace. Wonderful stuff. Barbara

Ludmilla said...

Hi Barbara,
these are the only 2 patts. I found of this type of knitting,
Bothe needed to be changed as the published ones wouldn't work.

I wouldn't knit either in a garment as the long floats would drop down & the whole concept would be spoilt.

The floats should only be between 2-3 stitches.
I will do one other sample, an emphasis of a wavy lace pattern.