Monday, 25 May 2009

Brother Jacquard Separation Possibilities

Knitjac separation for accurate representation of pattern=knits as B-default!
F-separation on right leaves every other row out!

Knitted swatches will follow in the next few days-

This is also the way a PPD Multicol. cartridge will save a pixel per pixel Stitchpattern;
it downloads to the machine as doublelength A-separation=see right graph below.

This elongated graph can be knitted as A or B-sep. jacquard.

C-separation -below------ A-separation or dbl-length
Click on pics to enlarge!

This is the setup + 2xLength on KM, above is the separation.

When DK shows that many errors, I will rather use Knitjac separations or C-separation for a more textured
fabric, by using plain knit on ribber & a Combination of Sliptuck or tuckslip on the Main Bed.

The main separations I use for my Brother Jacquards are B
Snadwich or default separation.
C-separation (singlerow separation) which starts at the other
end of the bed for preselection of needles & requires the
use of the elongation button on the machine.
A-separation, which must be basically a doublelength pattern-
as in capture of -2cjq-dbllength-jpg file.
And F-separation which is an every other row separation method.

Captures of the separated graphs follow on top.

Mostly I use the KnitJac separations (a small program)
written by a spanish engineer for his machineknitting wife;
it's a combination of changing colsequences & elimination
or insertion of extra rows to enable faultless representation
of a pattern as in an original patternpicture.

Friday, 22 May 2009

2 jacquard variations(Brother)

Note the errors (white dots) & above pic. has a couple of operator errors!
Align Left
Click on all of these for detailed view of pictures.

This is a KNIT-jac separation uploaded back to DK7 & saved as Fairisle.

Both of these patts. require a different type of separation
to the normal Brother Default.

Even DK could not cope (showed too many errors)
in the landscape pic.

And in the 2x8 patt., the cols. came out wrong.
I have a small program "Knitjac" which does an
irregular type of separation that works & that
has saved me having to do a manual separation,
somewhat like the picture puzzles I used to play with
as a child!

Monday, 18 May 2009

Brother 965 3col.default Roses

The 3 cols. Roses Patt. is a favourite of mine, I haven't got a 965
so had to copy all the pages from the black&white graph from
the 965 Stitchworld Book II.

Pattern 851 consists of 90 sts.x390 rows in separated rows!
Can you imagine the time it took to draw all of that dot by
dot into Designaknit, then colouring in all the rows
according to the numbers alongside the graph?

That was many years ago; wouldn't have the patience now.
At several points in the pattern the col.sequences changed
so there is no distortion in the pattern.

If one looks carefully, there are a few of these type of
separated patterns in this particular book where the
col.sequences are not in order
of 1,2,3 or 1,2,3,4. for the same reason.

All of these are done in what is generally a Brother default
separation referred to in Design-a-Knit as B-separation
or otherwise also known as Sandwich-separation,
because they start with 1 row of Base col.,
followed by rows 1&2 of first contrast, rows 1&2 of second
contrast,(in a 3col.patt.) finished 3 row sequence is row
2 of Background col.

Next sequence follows in the same order!
Check the Picture (click on it for a larger view).

So the contrast cols. are "sandwiched" between the
Background colour!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Brother Jacquard Operator errors

These mistakes can happen very easily if one doesn't pay attention whilst knitting Jacquards.
The knitted piece could still be used if one doesn't mind the changed original pattern.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Brother Jacq Variations

Note the varying widths on above swatch!

A 1x1 rib jacquard
Ladder Jacquard
&comparison between normal
default Brother 4col.jacquard and
using BirdseyeTuck on ribber.

Adding a couple of Ladder jacquards, Purple and white Passap T 179.

Red & Black= Brother ladder jacquard, once both cols. used on ribber, 
Bottom part only black yarn used on ribber.
No visible grooves!

More Jacquard Comparisons

These are a few examples of Jacquards
which I will relate to later;
please read the captions on the Photos.

Both swatches knitted on Silver Reed 370 fineknitter.

Here 2 cols. were bypassed on the ribber.

Lower part all 4 cols. knit on the ribber.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Brother & other jacquards- comparisons & errors

The following photos will show some jacquard comparisons
between different machines;
After these I will upload several varieties of Brother Jacquards,
& also how easy it is to make mistakes by just making one wrong move.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Passap 2col-transfergarter

More variations can be achieved by slightly altering settings

Actually this is faster to knit than using a Brother Garter carriage,
Looks pretty in a shiny yarn.

These are 2 ways of knitting 2 col. garter on any doublebed Passap.
I used a Pinky & the U80 for the transferring of stitches.

At top-another version of the same -on Passap Duo80 & U100.

Of course one could argue that these are not true garters,
which in effect they are not, singlebed knitting
is not being used.
But as long as they simulate garter on one side, I'm happy.

If someone wants to try a true garter, remember that no.1 on the U-locks
need pushers beneath selected needles to operate and transfer to "empty"
needles on other bed.

Whereas no.5 will transfer stitches only to needles which already
contain stitches.
(Hence "doublebed Garter".)

Friday, 1 May 2009

Brother 2col.Garter Examples

2 col.Garter

There are several examples of how these can look,
in light or heavy yarns or a combination of the 2.

Another possibility is available just in case there is a malfunction
of the GC & it will only turn ONE way as per the acqua-brown& white sample.
The result is smowhat flecked , but it can still be used &
it has more texture than the normal 2 col.garter which has the yarnbobbin turning both ways.